Linux Version
- MongoDB 6.0. or higher or MySQL 10 or higher
- Python 3.10
- Supervisor
Reverse Proxy Nginx
Reverse Proxy Nginx
- Installation
- Unzip package
- Run ./
At the end of the installation the application will run
at http://IP-CONFIGURED:5000 or https://IP-CONFIGURED with nginx
- Now you can login with the default username "admin" password "admin" domain "local"
Add Server name
- Edit file "/opt/ad-onlinemanager/etc/nginx/conf.d/ad-onlinemanger.conf"
- Add your server name
- Restart Ngingx
- Add Valid SSL Certificate
- Replace certificate file in this folder "/opt/ad-onlinemanager/etc/nginx/ssl"
- Restart Ngingx
Docker Version
- Run container
- docker run -d --name ad_onlinemanager -p YOUR-HOST-PORT:5000 -p YOUR-HOST-PORT:22 -e LANG=C.UTF-8 -t adomapp/ad_onlinemanager:latest
- MongoDB 6.0. or higher or MySQL 10 or higher
Database Configuration
- MongoDB
- Create Database
- use ad-onlinemanager
- db.createCollection("adom")
- db.adom.insert({"description":"Adom Audit DB"})
- Create User to access DB with read and write permission
- db.createUser( { user: "adom", pwd: "adom", roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "adonlinemanager" }] })
- Enable Authorization
- nano /etc/mongod.conf
- security:
authorization: enabled
- security:
- Restart Service
- service mongod restart
- Testing Authentication
- mongosh adonlinemanager -u adom -p adom
- mongosh adonlinemanager -u adom -p adom
- Create Database
- CREATE DATABASE 'adonlinemanager';
- Create User to access DB with read and write permission
- CREATE USER 'adom'@ IDENTIFIED BY 'localhost';
- SELECT User FROM mysql.user;
- Enable Authorization
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON adonlinemnager.* TO 'adom'@;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON adonlinemnager.* TO 'adom'@localhost;
- SHOW GRANTS FOR 'adom'@;
- SHOW GRANTS FOR 'adom'@;
- Testing Authentication
- mysql -u adom -p adom adonlinemanager
App Configuration
Local Settings
In the local settings you can activate a trial key for 30/days. You can custom the Application with your logo and title of your company and more..
Profile Settings
In the profile settings you can configure your Active Directory envirorment.